
Happy Birthday on Saturday to... Raiyden Ruskamp, Jocelyn Russman, and Tyson Vomacka!!

4th Quarter Student Makeup Day The 4th Quarter Student Makeup Day will be Friday, May 3. We will be changing the school calendar to a regular dismissal time, instead of the normal 2:30 dismissal, for students in grades 7-12. However, students in Good Academic Standing, meaning those students that are passing all classes with above 70% and with no missing work in any classes, will be dismissed at 2:30 as usual. Students that are not in Good Academic Standing will be required to stay until 4:00 to work with teachers to correct deficiencies. There will not be transportation provided by the school for these students that are required to stay until 4:00. Families will be notified via email on Thursday, May 2 if students are assigned to stay until 4:00 on Friday, May 3. Students that are not in Good Academic Standing and who are absent on May 3 will be required to stay the following Friday. Junior High students must attain Good Academic Standing prior to the EHC Track Meet @ West Point or they will NOT be allowed to attend.

SENIORS... Scholarship reporting sheets are due to Mrs. Reese by TODAY, Friday, May 3rd. Extra copies can be found outside the counseling office.

Northeast Nebraska Junior Golf Tour: The Northeast Nebraska Junior Golf Tour endeavors to advance the game of golf through an enjoyable and competitive environment for young players in Northeast Nebraska. The organization aims to improve participants' gameplay, imparting essential skills, rules, and etiquette that would enable them to appreciate the sport throughout their lives. Any students currently in grades 6-11 interested in this opportunity should contact Mr. Clint Dennis for more information.

The weight lifting form will open on Monday, May 6 at 8 A.M. Please be sure to complete the form as soon as possible. You can use this Link to sign up.

Seniors... return all library books by TODAY, Friday, May 3.

The registration deadline for the June 8th ACT is May 3rd. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Register at See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.

GIRLS BASKETBALL MEETING... For all 8-11 grade girls planning to play basketball next year. The meeting will be Tuesday, May 7 at 3:45 P.M. in Mrs. Fullner's classroom.

TODAY, May 3rd is the last day to check out library books. Students in grades 7-11 need to return library books by or before Friday, March 10.

ONE ACT CAST AND CREW and SPEECH TEAM MEMBERS! Don't forget the Speech and One Act Awards potluck this Sunday at 6 PM in the Elementary Commons! If you have not picked up your food assignment, see Mr. Moeller!

Student Council Applications are due TODAY!

Update on Sophomore Class Donut Orders... Orders will be delivered on Friday, May 10th. Thank You for your support!!

NHS elementary reading lab: Monday - Delaney & Danika, Tuesday - Braxton & Carter, Wednesday - Sidney, Thursday - Alea & Taylor, and Friday - Austin.