
Happy Birthday on Sunday to... Keegan Poppe!!

4th Quarter Student Makeup Day The 4th Quarter Student Makeup Day will be Friday, May 3. We will be changing the school calendar to a regular dismissal time, instead of the normal 2:30 dismissal, for students in grades 7-12. However, students in Good Academic Standing, meaning those students that are passing all classes with above 70% and with no missing work in any classes, will be dismissed at 2:30 as usual. Students that are not in Good Academic Standing will be required to stay until 4:00 to work with teachers to correct deficiencies. There will not be transportation provided by the school for these students that are required to stay until 4:00. Families will be notified via email on Thursday, May 2 if students are assigned to stay until 4:00 on Friday, May 3. Students that are not in Good Academic Standing and who are absent on May 3 will be required to stay the following Friday. Junior High students must attain Good Academic Standing prior to the EHC Track Meet @ West Point or they will NOT be allowed to attend.

NHS members need to share their posters with Mrs. Glaubius by TODAY.

2024 Gator Volleyball players, pick up your packet in the office. Bring all completed registration forms and fees with you when you come to our meeting on Friday, May 3 at 7:45 a.m. in the North Gym. See you then!

Student Council Application All students are encouraged to take a leadership role by applying for Student Council for the 2024-2025 school year. Please pick up an application in the front office. The deadline to return applications is Friday, May 3.

Any 8-11th graders interested in going out for cross country in the fall - there will be a meeting during Flex on Wednesday, May 1st in Mrs. Raabe’s room.

Drivers Education Forms are due Wednesday, May 1st

Seniors... remember to report all scholarships that you have been offered, even ones that you will not be able to use. These will be printed in the graduation program by your name. If we do not know about them they will not be included in the program. All Scholarship information is due by Tuesday, May 7th.

2024 Gator Basketball Camp Forms are available at the front office. This Camp is open to both boys and girls entering grades 3rd thru 8th. Registration is due May 27th.

Update on Sophomore Class Donut Orders... Orders will be delivered on Friday, May 10th. Thank You for your support!!

NHS elementary reading lab: Monday - Danika & Delaney, Tuesday - Haley & Lilly, Wednesday - Delaney & Danika, Thursday - Mitch, and Friday - Danica & Lilly. Reader needed Monday, May 13.