Happy Birthday today to... Erica Parker and Alea Rasmussen!!
A lot of library books are now overdue. Please bring your books to the library to either return or renew. If books are not returned, you will be billed for the cost of the replacement copies. Do not wait until the end of the year to check your library account....there are still 50+ books that are overdue. Thank you!
FFA members that are attending State FFA Convention April 3-5 need to have turned in permission forms and paid for their State FFA shirts to Mr. Overturf by TODAY, Tuesday April 2.
Juniors and Seniors the deadline for prom is getting closer... please RSVP by Friday, April 12th. Payment, outside date forms, and liability waivers are also due at this time. Underclassmen and out of town dates are $25 and the Junior prom fee is $15. All students attending post prom (seniors, juniors, underclassmen and out of town dates) must complete a liability waiver. These are available at the front office.
SENIORS... Mrs. Bodwell still needs some senior pictures for the yearbook. If she does not receive one she will use you school picture that was taken in the Fall.
Drivers Education Forms... are available at the front office. Classes will start Monday, May 20th through Thursday, May 23rd (four days) 7:30am to 12:30pm each day. Completed forms and payment are due back to the front office by Monday, May 1st.
NHS elementary reading lab: Tuesday - Brandon, Wednesday - Alea & Taylor, Thursday - Danielle, and Friday - Jose & Lilly.