
Happy Birthday today to... Aaron Field!!

3rd Quarter Student Makeup Day The 3rd Quarter Student Makeup Day will be Friday, March 8. We will be changing the school calendar to a regular dismissal time, instead of the normal 2:30 dismissal, for students in grades 7-12. However, students in Good Academic Standing, meaning those students that are passing all their classes with above 70% and with no missing work in any classes, will be dismissed at 2:30 as usual. Students that are not in Good Academic Standing will be required to stay until 4:00 to work with teachers to correct deficiencies. There will not be transportation provided by the school for these students that are required to stay until 4:00. Families will be notified via email on Thursday, March 7 if students are assigned to stay until 4:00 on Friday, March 8. Students that are not in Good Academic Standing and who are absent on March 8 will be required to stay the following Friday.

Seniors... reminder local scholarship applications are due by April 1st. Please get your recommendation

Student Council Meeting The March Student Council Meeting will be Wednesday, March 6 during Flex.

Cheerleading Sign Up... for the 24-25 school year is in the office until March 15th.

The registration deadline for the April 13th ACT is March 8th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Register at See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.

Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors... Please check your email for instructions on how to update your computer to the new operating system. If you do not update manually, the computer will automatically update and could possibly do it during the school day. So please follow the instructions and complete at home.

Portable battery charger found on a school van... claim at the front office.

Boys Basketball Players, if your basketball equipment is not turned in by Wednesday... you will get a bill for the replacement cost.

Scholastic Contest The Scholastic Contest will be at NECC on Wednesday, March 27. Students and competition assignments are posted on the bulletin board by the office. Students attending will need to be at school by 7:15 AM and bring money for lunch at a fast food restaurant. Students will be provided information sheets with their test time, location, and calculator/equipment requirements. If there are any questions, please see Mr. Butterfield.

Boys Basketball awards night will be Tuesday the 5th in the High School Cafeteria at 6pm.

Wisner Rec Softball, Baseball & Swim Team Sign-Ups... will be Tuesday, March 5th from 3:30PM to 6PM at the Wisner Library Basement. Open to girls and boys ages 5 to 18. Please bring two checks, one for fees and one for concession stand deposit. Please bring a uniform number if you already have one and size if you need to order a shirt. Swim Team, Boys Baseball and Girls 8 & Under Softball will cost $35 plus concession stand fee. Girls 10 & under and on up softball will cost $35 plus $20 for League Required Insurance as well as your concession stand deposit. It is important that you attend sign up so we can get correct teams signed up at league meetings. Thank You!!

Wisner-Pilger Alumni... the Louis and Abby Faye Dinklage Foundation Wisner-Pilger Alumni Scholarship application is posted on our homepage (search Dinklage in the search bar). Applications are due by April 1st.

NHS elementary reading lab: Wednesday - Karl, Thursday - Brandon, and Friday - Jose & Lilly.