If anyone is interested in Quiz Bowl our first practice will be Thursday morning at 7:30 AM in Mr. Bachman’s room. If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mr. Bachman or Mrs. Pelc.
Cross Country Runners, Coaches and Managers... you have District Goodie Bags in the front office. You make take items from the bag each day after school and then take the bag with you when you leave for Districts on Thursday. Good Luck at Districts!!!
Great practice last night and this morning, one actors! Tonight it is the tech crew at 6:30 PM, and tomorrow morning, it is the "singers" at 7:30 AM
Metro Community College is hosting an Open House on Saturday Oct 19th at the Elkhorn Valley Campus. Feature Programs include Criminal Justice, Design, Interactivity and Media Arts, Fashion Design, Interior Design, and Theatre. Event runs from 10am-noon.
Wayne State College will be at lunch TODAY; check out WSC new programs!
The Booster Club is selling GATOR GEAR!!! These items will are available online at... GATOR GEAR!! Orders will be taken until Tuesday, October 15th at midnight. These items would make excellent gifts!!
The Army will be at lunch on Wednesday, Oct 16th... Please welcome SSg Colver to our school.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Architecture is hosting an open house on Oct 25th. This includes architecture, interior design and landscape architecture. Registration is needed by Oct 22nd. Register at admissions.unl.edu/CoA-Open-House
The Health Careers Club’s next meeting is Oct 16th and the topic will be “Honoring life through Mortuary Science”. See the bulletin board by Mrs. Plagge’s room for more information.
NHS Readers... Wednesday - Erin, Thursday - Jessica, Friday Rockney & Colby.
Tuesday *Sophomores @ WSC Career Day *5pm-'C' 'B' Volleyball vs LV/SS followed by Varsity Volleyball vs T-H Parents Night
Wednesday *FFA Feed the Farmers *PSAT Test