Happy Birthday today to... Evan Peterson!!
There will be a brief boys track meeting, for all boys 9-12 who are interested in going out for track, on Thursday February 22 in Mr. Burki's room right after school.
For anyone interested in going out for golf... there will be a short meeting tomorrow morning (Thursday) at 7:50am in Mr. Overturf's room. Please come prepared with your shirt size.
European Travelers: There will be a short informational meeting in Mrs. Plagge's room February 22nd at 5:30. Please attend if you are seriously considering traveling next year!
TeamMates Mentees... stop by the front office to enter your shirt size for shirts that will be ordered. Thank You!!
A representative from Wayne State College will be here during lunch TODAY. Stop by to learn more about WSC and what they have to offer.
NHS elementary reading lab: Thursday - Danica, and Friday - Trey. Readers for next week... Monday - Walker, Tuesday - Danielle, Wednesday - Delaney & Danika, and Thursday - Lilly.