Happy Birthday on Saturday to... Karl Steinmeyer!! and on Sunday to... Kaden Glennon and Jackson Wendt!!
The Marketing Class will once again be selling Valentine's Day items. You can order using the following VALENTINE LINK, speaking with a marketing student or Mrs. Bodwell, or using the QR code on the posters that will be hanging around the high school. Items will be delivered to elementary and high school students/teachers/staff during Flex on Valentines Day.
Speech Team... There will be a brief but ruggedly inciteful speech team meeting right after school today!
Orphan Grain Train Donation... Wisner-Pilger Cheerleaders are planning a donation haul to the Orphan Grain Train on Friday afternoon. If you have any unwanted clothes just lying around, please help us out! Please bag up all donations and drop off at the high school office. Thank You!!
Wrestlers, Coaches and Managers... you have district goodie bags in the front office. You may take items after school each day and take the bag with you on Friday. Good Luck at Districts!!!
SENIORS… It's that time of year when we have to start preparing for Graduation! Danica J and Danika A will start collecting baby and senior pictures for the slide show. Please bring them as soon as possible so they can get started. This picture request is in addition to Mrs. Bodwell's request for a yearbook photo(you will need to get a senior picture for both the yearbook and the slide show. Also seniors, please be checking your email for senior and graduation announcements.
Seniors: the time is now. If you have not yet provided Mrs. Bodwell with a senior picture for the yearbook, please do so immediately. If you have not taken any, please let her know when this will be taking place. If you don't plan on taking any, talk to her and she can help get you something that will look amazing in the yearbook. If you do not do any of the above and no picture is provided, we will use the school pictures that were taken at the beginning of the year. Thank you.
Girls Basketball Players, Managers and Coaches... you have district goodie bags in the front office. You may take items from the bag each day after school. Good Luck at Districts!!
Job Opportunity... the city of Wisner is looking for lifeguards for the pool this summer. Applicants must be at least 15 years old. Applications are available at the high school front office or the city office.
Relay for Life is selling daffodils, hyacinths and tulips again this year. There is an order form in the teachers' lounges. Orders are due by Friday, February 16th. Any questions, please contact Traci Ebel. Thank You!!
NHS elementary reading lab: Monday- Karl & Mitch, Tuesday - Braxton & Carter, Wednesday - Sidney, and Thursday - Haley & Hannah.