
Happy Birthday today to... Ramsey Arduser, Axton Lantz and Dakota Taber!!

GIRLS TRACK: Those participating in girls track this spring will need to sign up to work Concessions this Saturday morning. The signup sheet will be outside Mrs. Plagge's room. Thank you ladies!!

Increase in Milk Prices... Milk will now cost $2. This includes the plastic jugs available to purchase through the kitchen. This is not the cartons that are served with student meals.

Speech team meeting right after school regarding the Bancroft-Rosalie meet tomorrow! Be there--aloha!

Job Opportunity... the city of Wisner is looking for lifeguards for the pool this summer. Applicants must be at least 15 years old. Applications are available at the high school front office or the city office.

NHS elementary reading lab: Monday - Alea, Tuesday - Gabe, Wednesday - Delaney & Danika, Thursday - Danielle, and Friday - Jose & Lilly.