
Student Council Members If you signed up to be a crossing guard at Trick or Treat on Main Street, please meet at Pinnacle Bank at 4:10 on Tuesday, October 31.

SPEECH TEAMERS! The practice schedule sign-up for the Lincoln Pius competitors is outside Moeller's room!

Congratulations to Miriam Frerichs and Jordyn Gentrup for being selected as students of the first nine weeks!! Other students recommended by teachers are Bella Thacker, Austin Hatterman, Ricardo Marquez, Riley Scholting, Kevin John Jr., Gissel Chavez, Ramsey Arduser, Nyome Harding, Jaxon Knoell, Korbyn Anthony, Dustin Siebrandt, Riley Ross, Sylas Delmont, Zach Schuchman, Jacey Dimon, and Kevin Dominguez-Herandez.

Josh Abler, a Chief Avionics Electrical Technician with the U.S. Coast guard, will be here on Monday, November 6th during lunch to talk to students about opportunities with the Coast Guard. Stop by and talk to Josh to learn more about what the Coast Guard has to offer.

The registration deadline for the December 9th ACT is November 3rd. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Register at See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.

A representative from Southeast Community College will be here during lunch on Tuesday, October 31st. Stop by to learn more about SCC and what they have to offer.

A representative from UNL will be here on Wednesday, November 1st during lunch. Please stop by and see what UNL has to offer.

Football Awards Night will be Tuesday, November 7th at 6pm in the high school cafeteria.

NHS elementary reading lab: Wednesday - Delaney, Thursday - Danielle, and Friday - Jose and Lilly. Readers for Next week: Monday - Jose, Tuesday - Alea & Taylor, Wednesday - Karl & Mitch, Thursday - Laura, and Friday - Austin.