Happy Birthday today to... Hannah Grenier!!
There will be a boys wrestling meeting on Thursday, October 26 right after school in Mr. Burki's room. Those who are planning on wrestling this season NEED to attend this meeting. If you are not able to attend the meeting, let Coach Dennis know.
Girls Wrestling Meeting! There will be a meeting for all girls planning on going out for wrestling at 2:30 on Friday, October 27, in Mr. Polk's Room. If you cannot make it to the meeting let Mr. Polk know.
A representative from Southeast Community College will be here during lunch on Tuesday, October 31st. Stop by to learn more about SCC and what they have to offer.
There will be a Girls Basketball meeting in Mrs. Fullner's classroom on Monday, October 30 at 3:45 P.M.
Football Playoff t-shirt and charger pack found on the bus... claim at the front office.
Congratulations to Tuesday's Trivia winners: Austin Kluthe, Zachary Schuchman, and Jentrye Frederickson!! Please stop by the Counseling Office today to pick up your prize.
The cross country awards night will be Thurs. Oct. 26th at 6:30.
Juniors: All Christmas fundraising orders and money need to be turned into the office this week.
The registration deadline for the December 9th ACT is November 3rd. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Register at act.org. See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.
NHS elementary reading lab: Thursday - Trey, and Friday - Walker & Gabe. Readers for next week... Monday - Karl, Tuesday - Laura, Wednesday - reader needed, Thursday - Danielle, and Friday - Jose and Lilly. Please make sure you arrive by 7:50 A.M. at the latest.