GATOR SPEECHERS! Stop by Mr, Moeller's room today after school until 5:30 to begin work for the '23-24 season! Check on events, scripts and topics as Lincoln Pius is a month away! Get a head start on our January meets!
College Lunch Visit... Briar Cliff University will be here on Friday, October 13th during lunch. Please stop by and see what BCU has to offer.
Picture Day Is TOMORROW!!! Thursday, October 12. Please stop by the office for a packet if you need one. Take your order packet with you when you get your picture taken on Thursday.
NHS elementary reading lab: Thursday - Haley & Hannah, and Friday - Brandon. Readers for next week... Monday - Jose, Tuesday - Braxton & Carter, Wednesday - Sidney, and Thursday - Laura. Reader needed for Monday, October 30. Sign up or a lucky winner will be assigned to read that day!