
Happy Birthday on Sunday to... Delaney Boyer!!

IT's HOMECOMING WEEK!!! Theme: We’re Bright, We’re Outta Sight, Gators Gonna Win Tonight Dress Up Days: - Friday - Gator Spirit Coronation - Friday 6:30 PM (Before the football game) Dance (Grades 9-12; Admission: $5) - Friday 9:00 PM

Calendar Update/Change... The Monday, October 2nd Junior High Volleyball Game here vs GACC will begin at 4pm.

Juniors: all Scentsy orders must be turned in by Monday, October 2nd. Feel free to turn them in early!

Student Makeup Day - 1st Quarter The first Student Makeup Day will be Friday, October 6. We will be changing the school calendar to a regular dismissal, instead of the normal 2:30 dismissal, for students in grades 7-12. However, students in Good Academic Standing, meaning those students that are passing all their classes with above 70% and with no missing work in any classes, will be dismissed at 2:30 as usual. Students that are not in Good Academic Standing will be required to stay until 4:00 to work with teachers to correct deficiencies. There will not be transportation provided by the school for these students that are required to stay until 4:00. Families will be notified via email on Thursday, October 5 if students are assigned to stay until 4:00 on Friday, October 6. Students that are not in Good Academic Standing and who are absent on October 6 will be required to stay the following Friday.

Picture Day Is Thursday, October 12. Jr/Sr High School students have been given order packets.

Student Council Meeting The October Student Council Meeting will be Tuesday, October 3 at 7:45 in the Fine Arts.

FFA shirt order forms are available at the front office. Orders are due by Friday, September 29th.

NHS elementary reading lab: Monday - reader needed, Tuesday - Luis & Danielle, Wednesday - reader needed, Thursday - Austin, and Friday - Jose & Lilly.