
Picture Day Is Thursday, October 12. Jr/Sr High School students have been given order packets.

IT's HOMECOMING WEEK!!! Theme: We’re Bright, We’re Outta Sight, Gators Gonna Win Tonight Dress Up Days: - Wednesday - USA/Patriotic - Thursday - Barbie and Ken - Friday - Gator Spirit Pep Rally (K-12) - Wednesday 1:00 PM Coronation Practice (Court) - Wednesday 2:26 (Flex) Class Games (9-12) - Wednesday 2:59 PM - Students: Check into class before each of these activities Coronation - Friday 6:30 PM (Before the football game) Dance (Grades 9-12; Admission: $5) - Friday 9:00 PM

Homecoming Pep Rally the Homecoming Pep Rally is TODAY, Wednesday at 1:00.

Juniors: If the Scentsy fundraiser does not work on the information sheet, use This is the correct address. Also, if you have orders ready, please turn them into the office. You can always turn more in next week.

Homecoming Outside Date forms are due to the front office by THURSDAY!!!!

Seniors and Sophomores... a representative will be here on September 28th to give sophomores information regarding class ring purchasing and meet with seniors regarding graduation gown sizing. Announcements will be made during flex for each meeting.

Calendar Update/Change... the Thursday, September 28th Junior High Volleyball game against Madison has been cancelled.

Juniors: The fundraiser will take place from September 19th through October 2nd. Turn in all forms and money to the high school office by October 2nd.

FFA members interested in attending National FFA Convention need to download and complete the application that is on Canvas in the National FFA module. Applications are due to Mr. Overturf by Wednesday, Sept. 27th.

Student Makeup Day - 1st Quarter The first Student Makeup Day will be Friday, October 6. We will be changing the school calendar to a regular dismissal, instead of the normal 2:30 dismissal, for students in grades 7-12. However, students in Good Academic Standing, meaning those students that are passing all their classes with above 70% and with no missing work in any classes, will be dismissed at 2:30 as usual. Students that are not in Good Academic Standing will be required to stay until 4:00 to work with teachers to correct deficiencies. There will not be transportation provided by the school for these students that are required to stay until 4:00. Families will be notified via email on Thursday, October 5 if students are assigned to stay until 4:00 on Friday, October 6. Students that are not in Good Academic Standing and who are absent on October 6 will be required to stay the following Friday.

FFA shirt order forms are available at the front office. Orders are due by Friday, September 29th.

NHS elementary reading lab: Thursday - Jose, and Friday - Laura. Readers for next week... Monday - reader needed, Tuesday - Luis & Danielle, Wednesday - reader needed, Thursday - Austin, and Friday - Jose & Lilly.