Happy Birthday today to... Taylor Scholting!! on Sunday to... Mariah Andersen!!
The Cuming County College and Military Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, August 30th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Nielsen Center in West Point. At 6:30 Education Quest will host an informational session regarding the FAFSA and Financial Aid. This is a great opportunity to learn about multiple college options and financial aid, all in one place! All juniors and seniors should plan to attend the college fair! See Mrs. Reese if you have any questions.
ONE ACT TRY OUTS... Monday, August 28th at 7 pm and Tuesday, August 29th at 7 pm. Please email Miss Cole at kcole@igators.org or let Mr. Chromy in the high school know if you can’t make it or have any questions! We would like tech crew to come to let us know if you would like to be apart of tech crew!
Results from the East Butler cross country meet: Girls Runner-Up, Boys 8th. Medalists: Alea Rasmussen 3rd, Laura Borgelt 4th, Cadence James 14th. Jr High Medalists: Megan Svoboda 5th, Ghia Bramble 10th
Review scripts for this year's one-act play can be picked up from Mr. Moeller or Mr. Cromey today!
Congratulations to the Sophomore class officers-- President--Austin Hatterman, Vice-President--Axton Lantz, Secretary--Korbyn Anthony, Treasurer--Caden Anderson!!
Calendar Update/Change... the Junior High Volleyball Game on Tuesday, September 5th vs Tri County NE will be held at Emerson.
Schedule Changes... Students may request changes to their class schedule until Friday, August 25th. If you would like to make changes, please stop by Mrs. Reese's office to pick up a Schedule Change Request form.
Dual credit students... please check your MyNortheast account to make sure you are registered for classes through Northeast Community College. Students who need to add or drop dual credit classes should see Mrs. Reese this week.
Calendar Update/Change... the softball game vs Twin River will now be Saturday, September 2nd at Genoa. JV will begin at 10am followed by varsity at approximately 12pm.
Physicals and Student Handbook Forms... please drop these forms off at the front office. Every student must complete a student handbook form. If you have not turned one in please stop by the front office to pick one up. THANK YOU!!
K-12 Student Accident Insurance is available... Student Assurance Services has an online option to voluntarily enroll your student in the student accident insurance plan. For more information and an enrollment form click English or Spanish.
NHS elementary reading lab: Friday - Karl & Mitchell. Readers for next week... Monday - Taylor & Alea, Tuesday - Braxton & Carter, Wednesday - Delaney & Danika, Thursday - Laura, and Friday - Walker & Gabe.