Lunch Balances... as the school year comes to a close we would appreciate all lunch balances being paid to a zero or to have a positive balance. Thank You!!
Congratulations to Jase Alexander and Maddy Kubes for being chosen as the 4th quarter Students of the Nine Weeks. Other students receiving recommendations include Xavier Albanese, Ashlyn Lauck, Emberly Aguirre, Dakota Tabor, Charli Jacobs, Danielle Harms, Devon Schultz, Dustin Siebrandt, Jordyn Gentrup, Jaleigh Hallsted, Kyle Rehak, and Walker Ott.
GIRLS BASKETBALL PLAYERS for the 2023-2024 school year: Please stop by Mrs. Fullner's classroom before or after school on either Wednesday, May 17 or Thursday, May 18 to get your summer basketball schedule.
This year's yearbook will be available for sale next fall when they arrive. When any of the old yearbooks are in, it will be posted on the school's website and social media sites as well.
BOYS TRACK TEAM .... will meet briefly after school on Wednesday in Mr. Burki's room. Please bring your clean uniform and computer with you.
Overdue books 7th grade: Return the library books immediately or bring money to pay for the replacement copy: ReNae P. ($18.00).
Drivers Education Reminder... Classes being Tuesday, May 23 from 7:30am until 12:30pm each day. Last day of class is Friday, May 26th.
Overdue books 10th grade: Return the library books immediately or bring money to pay for the replacement copy: Veronica G. ($15.50).
Overdue books 11th grade: Return the library books immediately or bring money to pay for the replacement copy: Kaden G. ($15.00) and Danica J. ($16.00)
Overdue books 8th grade: Return the library books immediately or bring money to pay for the replacement copy: Dustin D. ($20.00).
Any student who is interested in one acts and speech next year but didn't make the meeting can pick up information from Mr. Moeller this week!
GRADES 7-11 COMPUTER CLEANING & CHECK IN: Computer cleaning & check-in will be Thursday morning, May 18th during English classes. This is a noon dismissal so please make sure all documents, music and pictures are saved to another device or to your Google Drive as all machines will be wiped this summer. Also, PLEASE make sure that your charger matches your computer and that your computer bag is all cleaned out BEFORE YOU COME THAT MORNING! If we have issues with your computer and charger, you will not be able to check out until that is resolved. So please check all this before May 18th. If you have any questions or problems, please come talk to me before that Thursday. Thanks so much and enjoy the end of the school year!! ~ Mrs. Kreikemeier
Current Juniors If you are thinking about getting your senior pictures taken this summer... stop by the front office for a coupon.
The late registration deadline for the June 10th ACT is May 19th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Late fees will apply. Register at See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.
National Honor Society Readers... Thursday - Karl. Thank you all for reading to the kindergarteners this year!!