Happy Birthday today to... Gauge Bramble!!
FFA officer applications are due to Mr. Overturf this Friday April 14th at 4:00 pm. Officer interviews will take place Monday April 17th at 6:00 pm in the Ag room in official dress.
Cheer/Dance Sign-ups are due by 3:30 on the 18th... Informational meeting for tryouts will be on April 20th at 7:30am in the Study Hall area outside the library.
Seniors... remember to be reporting all scholarships that you have been offered, even ones that you will not be able to use. They will not be reported in the graduation program if we don't know about them. Thank You!
National Honor Society Readers... Friday - Bryant. Readers for next week... Monday - Laura, Tuesday - Cameryn, Wednesday - Trey, Thursday - Brittney, and Friday - Emma & Owen. Brittney U.(read 3 more times) and August S. (read 4 more times) need to sign up for additional days in order to meet the requirements of NHS. Reader needed for April 28.