
SPEECH TEAM... the district goodie bags are in the office--you may bring things in through tomorrow!

Juniors: Check your igator account and vote for this year's prom servers. Voting will be open until the end of the day Friday.

Play practice will begin at 6:30pm tonight. Bring your t-shirt and costume ideas!

Juniors and Seniors: Check your igator account to request songs for the prom dance. Inappropriate songs will be taken off the list.

Juniors and Seniors: Prom sign-up is in the office. Sign-up by Friday, March 17th. The fee for underclassmen and out of town dates is $25.

Juniors... prom meeting in Mrs. Olson's room on Thursday, March 9th at 7:45 a.m. Please note date change!

The registration deadline for the April 15th ACT is March 10th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Register at See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.

Students interested in playing golf this year... please sign up in the office this week.

Boys Basketball Awards Night... is Monday, March 6th, 6:30pm, in the High School Cafeteria.

National Honor Society Readers... Friday -Jose. Readers for next week... Monday - reader needed, Tuesday - Alea & Danica, Wednesday - Danika & Delaney, Thursday- Mackensie.